Monday, April 27, 2009


A friend once told me 'there will always be some part of ourselves that will be alone.' (not too different from what my mother always told me). It gave me such relief to hear that - after so many years of searching for companionship for all the parts of me, realizing that actually alone is the natural state of some things. In fact, there may even be an alone quota that must be filled. Alone may be the notes of silence that separate the notes of music, without which music may never exist. Alone is golden.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

The onion

The onion: a quite overly used metaphor to describe an individual. There is the outer layer of toughish skin. There is a deeper layer beneath we show a smaller audience. There is another beneath reserved for special occasions (such as a blog entry). Then another even lower that we hide from the blog. Finally, there is a layer that we hide from even ourselves.

It's funny these layers...the secrets they keep from each other, the judgments they make of each other, and the anger they have towards one another. But without such inter-layer conflicts, I suppose there wouldn't be layers at all, and we'd be, God forbid - shallow.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

The sign

There is Fresca at the Fenway Shaw's once more! The economy must be on the rise...Rejoice!

Thursday, April 23, 2009


Yes, it is true. Sometimes there are more important things than dance.

For a while I believed that there couldn't be - what could take greater priority than that pure breath of my soul - but alas, I am finally ready to hold that breath for something even greater.


"Sometimes it's nice to have the best first because it's when your taste buds are the most active. Once you are full from eating dinner, dessert just doesn't pack the same punch...I think at 27 years old, the time for eating vegetables in order to eat some cake is over." - Andrew Shin, JD, MS, MPH

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Time passing

The funny thing about time is that it is like a vacuum: always somehow filled up by...stuff.

I had a discussion once with someone about why we see rain/snow/anything drifting/falling from the sky as beautiful. We (or more like I) decided that it was because it made us take notice of the space between our eyes and the next thing we see - the space that we take for granted and forget is there most of the time.

I guess we also take notice of time by the stuff that fills it up - like the many hours of today for example, by my obsessive work on this blog...

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The beginning...

Today I start a blog...yes, the sign of the continued deterioration of human relationships in an increasingly piecemeal world forcing us to reach out into cyberspace for companionship and reaffirmation of self-worth...

I thought it would be cool. Why not?